Also found a couple of beautiful vintage sheets ($2-3.00 each). The linen section is always the first place I look. So many possibilities . . . but I am thinking sundresses for a couple of wee little ladies I know. Maybe a quilt like this one.
Also picked up this sheet, although this one isn't vintage. It's an almost new, queen sized Waverly ($3.00). I am thinking of making slipcovers for the toss pillows that came with our red sofa's, just to mix things up a bit. If not, perhaps the backing of a future quilt.
This little green urn was $1.oo. I want to make a pin cushion to go inside. How cute will that be?!
And lastly some vintage Pyrex. I am pretty sure my grandma had these. As soon as I saw them I thought of her, and thinking of her makes me happy. Just look at those cute little roosters, in my favorite color to boot. I paid $1.50 for both. I think for everything it was no more than $12.00. To quote my 3 year old, "That's what I'm talkin bout!" Can't wait for garage sale weather!