Recently I had another birthday. WOW. They sure seem to come around a lot more often than when I was young. For instance, is it just me, or didn't it seem like it took forever to reach the magical age of 16? Now I wish time would just sloooow down. Well, yesterday my really good friend stopped by with a birthday gift (so NICE). Check out the totally cute apron she made (and in some of my favorite colors)...
I LOVE it!! I want to wear it just for the sake of wearing it. It makes me feel like tackling an arduous culinary task like homemade cinnamon rolls. The only problem is lil' sis. For a 5 month old she's pretty brilliant. She plays the 'scream my head off as soon as mom puts me down' game, and then as soon as I pick her up again she is as smiley as can be. Ooooh, is she ever good at it!! I haven't been getting much done because my hands are always full, with her. So, I don't foresee any serious baking in the near future, but that won't stop me from wearing this cute apron and pretending.
I did, however, attempt my sister-in-law's homemade pizza crust recipe.
It turned out pretty darn good, and it was super easy as promised! The kids really enjoyed piling on the toppings. I see a lot of pizza, of the homemade variety, in our future.